
In the realm of Life Armor Technologies, the age-old adage "You have to see it to believe it" has evolved to a more fitting expression, "You have to feel it to believe it." Our extensive laboratory tests have advanced this further, reinforcing the idea that "You have to measure and replicate the results to endorse it."

Studies and Validations

Below is just a small sampling of the many university, hospital, clinical, and athletic studies conducted over the past decades on the Life Armor Laboratories DNA Bioenergetic Technologies.

These and other tests and studies have focused on – heart rate variability, brain energy levels and brain hemisphere balance, brain oxygenation, blood pressure, blood flow and blood toxicity, cell and tissue inflammation, bio-electromagnetic field balance and coherence, bio-electromagnetic field strength and effectiveness, physical strength, endurance, coordination and balance, and detoxification.

Researchers, doctors, professors, and technicians used EEG’s, EKG’s, PET scans, Brain Mapping, Gas Discharge Visualization Imaging, ProAdjuster-Sigma systems, Spectra-Vision Bio-Electric Graphing, HRV, Dark Cell Microscopy Blood Analysis, Neuro-Feedback Analysis, Electroencephalograms, Acoustic Cardiograms, Thermography, and elite athletic physical testing protocols.

Duplicatable and Measurable Consistency

All the studies, all of the time, have all pointed to the same measurably consistent and duplicatable conclusion – that the energizing, balancing and stabilizing effects of Life Armor Bioenergetic Technologies beneficially works on every person in degrees that are common to all users, and are wholly beneficially unique to each individual.

Below Are Just a Few Test and Study Results

Hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world have enjoyed the benefits of this bioenergetics technology for decades. Their unique experiences and increased well-being have affected their lives in numerous and profoundly positive ways.

Even in the light of these and more remarkable test and study results, we at Life Trade Show try to take great care not to exaggerate or embellish the technology’s simple and direct claim.

The Claim Clearly Stated:

The Life Armor DNA Bioenergetics Technology and its Reverberation, Light, Sound, and Liquilight delivery processes, help to balance and stabilize the body’s bioelectromagnetic energies (Biofield) and will hold it in a state of stabilization, balance, and harmony for as long as the technology’s influence is present.


What these professional test results are showing is NOT what the offered DNA Bioenergetics technology does, but what YOUR BODY CAN DO, naturally, with balanced and stabilized bioenergetics.

The following preliminary study test results were conducted by Life Armor Laboratory’s Carl Thompson and Dr. M. Kelly Miller.

Kelly Miller, MD. is the Best-Selling Author of “Saving Your Brain”
Brain Disorder Prevention and Reversal Research facilities.

“The studies conducted produced results showing significant upregulation of bio parameters and are consistent with a para-sympathetic shift out of fight or flight. Essentially, showing more energy and less stress.”
~Kelly Miller, MD.

Linked below, you'll find a selection of "reaction" videos captured during discovery tests and studies conducted by independent health care professionals.

  • Trifield Meter EMF Test

    Trifield Meter EMF Test

    "This new GermFree 5G all in one purifier, is mindfully designed for lowest EMF output, while amplifying everyone’s biofield and neutralizing the harmful effects of EMF’s on entire home/office." Carl "Buzz" Thompson

  • High Stress to Low Stress

    High Stress to Low Stress

    "Thank you! This is the most fun we’ve had in our office in a long time" Dr. Angela Goldstein

  • BrainTap HRV

    BrainTap HRV

    "300% increase in power of autonomic nervous system, switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic, and a 10 year improvement or reduction in biologic age calculation, in just 14 minutes!" Dr. M. Kelly Miller The software and the hardware meets the standards of...

  • Leg Length Evaluation

    Leg Length Evaluation

    "Very impressive improvement in leg length and leg spasticity in a very short period of time. I’ve observed similar results consistently with over 20 patients." Dr. M. Kelly Miller

  • ProAdjuster-Sigma Instrument

    ProAdjuster-Sigma Instrument

    "From a Chiropractic perspective Buzz had a drastic and dramatic change with no physical intervention, I'm impressed!" Dr. Debra Hoffman, DC Technology to analyze joints and tissue with increased precision and confidence. Pre-analysis and post-analysis to scientifically show that a positive...

  • QEEG (Brain Mapping)

    QEEG (Brain Mapping)

    "24% change and 41% normalization in brain injured female, a very positive physiological change in the brain in a short period of time." Dr. M. Kelly Miller A QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) is a diagnostic tool that measures electrical activity in the...

  • My Scary Post Covid Issues Solved

    My Scary Post Covid Issues Solved

    "In myocarditis of left ventricle, shown to reduce pathologic state (normalize) by 79%, in just a couple minutes, I’m very impressed and recommend this technology." Dr. Scott Nelson

  • Max Pulse HRV

    Max Pulse HRV

    "Arterial elasticity score went from 69 to 88, a major improvement in risk for future cardiovascular event, in just 14 minutes." Dr. M. Kelly Miller The Max Pulse is an FDA approved Class II medical screening device used to assess arterial...


We invite you to bring your consumables, cosmetics, apparel, jewelry and more to life.

If you are a garage artisan, micro-manufacturer or multi-national products manufacturer and would like to incorporate Bioenergetic Technologies into your product or product lines.


The information presented in this website, or any other promotional or educational materials are not intended to be used as a substitute for advice from a physician or other health care practitioners. The information herein is not intended for diagnosis, nor is it intended for treatment, cure or prevention of disease or any health problem. Balancing the body’s biofield to enhance wellness is not a standard that the United States Food and Drug Administration or that other governing associations accept or support. Therefore, please be advised to always consult a physician or your healthcare provider before using this technology if you have any medical condition whatsoever or suspect you might have a health problem and never stop taking any medication without first consulting your health care provider. Results vary with every individual, and your results may or may not be different from those depicted in studies, samples or testimonials presented. No promises, guarantees or warranties, whether stated or implied, have been made, other than the coherent balancing and stabilization of the body’s bioenergetic field, that you will produce any specific outcome resulting from the use of any product containing the Life Armor DNA Bioenergetic Technology or using information from this website or other digital, printed or video materials. Any medical claims inadvertently depicted that may have been overlooked are by no means to be misinterpreted as medical recommendations or claims of benefits.