Fur Sure
  • Collar Charm
    Collar Charm
    Collar Charm

    Collar Charm

    Regular price $69.37


    Regular price $85.72
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Your Pets Need Protection Too. Fur Sure!

Life Armor-enhanced pet Stabilizer and Collar Charms will help your pets Physically and Energetically.


Our pets are surrounded with the same harmful EMF radiation, cellular and Wi-Fi waves, chemicals, and stresses as we are. However, they live in the worst part of it. The floors they sit and sleep on are saturated with chemicals and chemical vapors. They live in the highest levels of EMF because our power outlets, power strips and cables are on or low to the ground.

We as people receive 70% of our EMF radiation on our feet and legs.

Our pets receive 100% of it, all the time.

Life Armor Animal Technology works on animals just like it works on our human bodies. The difference being that an animal’s brain is aligned horizontally with their spine where our human brains are aligned vertically on top of the spine. This subtle energy flow difference requires a slight modification to the vibratory pattern delivery.

A Preliminary Review

In Tokyo, Osaka and Matsuyama Japan, several pet owners were given the Pet Tech to try out on their pets for a few weeks to observe what may result. The pet owners were to observe the pet’s coat, eyes, and overall behavior.

Their comments are private and based on their own observations and relationships with their pets. Your results may vary.

The test included a Chihuahua, Dachshund, Cavalier, Shih-tzu, Fold Cat, Shiba, Pug, Beagle, Papillon, Shorthair Cat, and Spaniel.



After a few weeks’ use, did your pet’s eyes look NOTICEABLY brighter and clearer?


Pet Tested










Dachshund 2









Fold Cat



Shiba Inu












Shorthair Cat









After a few weeks’ use, did their coat look NOTICEABLY healthier, fuller, and shinier?


Pet Tested










Dachshund 2









Fold Cat



Shiba Inu












Shorthair Cat










Observations (subjective)

Here are just a few of the comments received from the preliminary test.

"This is amazing. He used to bark a lot, all the time, day and night but now he is calmer and doesn't bark very much any longer."

"She scratches herself so much that she bleeds. Now she doesn't scratch as much. I can't say it is completely cured, but it's getting better every day. Thank you."

"She was past her menstrual cycles but suddenly came into heat. And she is happy and running around inside the house. She even has a better appetite. Wow."

"She understood “sit”, “wait” and “eat” when she was only 1 month old. I have been keeping dogs for about 30 years, but I have never seen that before." 

"My beagle was very stressed to the point where she would bite her tail all the time and would lose all the hair on it. Within five days of using the technology she stopped biting her tail and the hair started to grow back."

"When she is alone in the apartment for 6 hours or more and someone returns, she would get so excited that she would pee. Every time. For years. Now she is still excited but no longer pees... all we did was use the technology. That is great for all of us!"

"For a puppy she moves fast. I have never seen agile motion like that in a dog so young, especially the motion to the right and left. And puppies often sleep curled up, but she sleeps more like an adult."

"I know our environment is bad for us and our pets. I think having a sense of security that the technology is protecting my pet is good in itself."

"I noticed he does not scratch as much as before."

"Amazing. Now when I speak to her, she answers and talks back to me more. When I call her while her attention is elsewhere, she turns back to me and comes to my feet. That's a big change for her."

"He is so much calmer now"

"My dog used to bark loudly at pretty much nothing, but now barks less at nothing and he does it softly and kindly. My neighbors are happy about that."

"Before using the technology too much walking put a strain on his heart, so he didn't like to walk too much. Now he looks and feels fine after a walk and actually wants me to take him for a walk more often.

Help Your Pet Now

It Just Works

When your pets use the specifically programmed Life Armor-Pet Tech their body’s energy systems will receive and maintain immediate stabilization and balance.

The Life Armor for Pets bioenergetics was developed with modified formulations to that which is used in the human bioenergetics’ formulas. The Life Armor for Pets formula takes into account the horizontally aligned spinal positioning common to quadruped animals such as dogs, cats, horses and smaller four-legged pets. This alignment presents a flow of lifeforce energy that is notably simpler than that of the human being whose cranial alignment is perpendicular to the axis of the spine.

Furthermore, the consciousness of a domestic pet as opposed to their human counterpart is considered to be more of a “group consciousness”. Where we as humans have a strong sense of self (ego) the animal operates with less concern for its ‘worldly standing’, thus the emotional response quotient is less of a complex factor when dealing with overall pet health and well-being.

A key focus in the development of the Life Armor technologies for Pets was addressing the immune system of the animal. It is designed to align and stimulate the immunity strengths of the pet, the Life Armor for Pet formulas carry an abundance of information specific to these systems.


To see how our bioenergetics is working for you, take a quick Snapshot of your Before and then after a few days compare Your After.