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A must for all your pets – Fur Sure

Our Pets are our responsibility.

They need the energetic stabilization and protection of Life Armor as much as we do.



Put three (3) drops on pet’s meals and in water bowl every day. That’s it, easy.

It places and holds your pet in an energetically enhanced state of being for optimum energy stabilization, balance, calmness, and relaxation.

This unique and technologically advanced pet wellness formula contains 100% pure Life Armor Animal Formulated bioenergetic water. It will enhance your pet’s comprehensive physical and bioenergetic well-being. Safe for all animals of any age.



Our pets often eat processed foods that may not vibe well with their bioenergetics. From the hundreds of pets tested, over 85% of them were either allergic to or had low energetic reactions to the food they are being fed. Stabilize it!

Pets often drink unhealthy water. Either from the city taps or while they’re out and about. At least when they’re home, Stabilize it!

Just a couple drops on their food

It will help to stabilize the energetics of the food and synchronize with your pets bioenergies to allow for greater nutrient absorption and assimilation.

Just a few drops in their water dish

Throughout the day, as they drink, they will replenish the bioenergetic support offered by the Life Armor food and water stabilizer.

In addition to their food and water, our pets are surrounded with the same bioenergy destabilizers and harmful waves as we are – maybe even more because they sit and sleep on chemically saturated floors, breathe in chemical vapors and spend most of their time in the highest levels of EMF emitted by our power outlets, power strips, cables, and continuous flow of Wi-Fi waves.

They also take in all the stresses of our home lives without the ability to express themselves or expunge their anxieties

It’s up to us as pet owners to address this situation.

Your pets will feel its calming effect during the stressful times that you are away from home and are left alone for long periods of time.




With just a few drops?

With just a few drops of Pet Stabilizer your pet(s) can reinforce their body’s bioenergetics and place it in an optimum state of being. Maintaining a consistent energetic entrainment with Life Armor bioenergetics is paramount to achieving and sustaining optimum energetic stabilization, balance, and coherency. The Fur Sure Stabilizer provides a simple and convenient way to attain and sustain that optimum state of being.


Potentials of maintaining stabilized bioenergetics:

► Greater calm and reduced stress

► Better and more restful sleep

► Allergy relief

► Consistent energy all day

► Reduced shedding

► Clearer eyes and healthier coat

► Fuller hair and increased growth

► Better mental clarity and focus

► Greater immunity and faster healing

► More controlled mood and composure

► Reduced body aches 

► and more



1oz (31mL), dropper bottle




This technology has been helping people worldwide, one person at a time, since 1998

The Life Armor bioenergetic stabilizing products are safe for any age. They work solely as bio-energy stabilizers to assist the body to better handle energetic disruptive environments and to help restore the total body’s bio-energies back to their optimum state of being. These bioenergetic products have not been approved by the FDA to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your health care provider before use.