About Us

Life Trade Show

Welcome to the Life Trade Show, your ultimate virtual destination for shopping, socializing, learning, collaborating, earning income, and having fun. We've brought together cutting-edge one-on-one and one-to-all communication tools into a single, dynamic platform.

Life Trade Show is a versatile 2D and 3D virtual exhibition facility. We host a wide range of events and exhibitors, providing a premier venue for presenters, lecturers, and entertainers. Our private membership program offers members exclusive benefits and opportunities, enhancing their experience and engagement.

Imagine a global convention center that you can access from the comfort of your home. That's the Life Trade Show—bringing the world to you, virtually.


Life Trade Show EVENTS

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Now Showing:

Bioenergetics Event

In our modern world, we find ourselves constantly exposed to pollution, electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), Wi-Fi signals, and the pressures of work, family, and social life. These factors often lead to physical discomfort, disrupted sleep, weakened immunity, mental fog, weight gain, and premature aging.

The problem is that we've simply accepted those issues as a part of life, or just part of growing old.

The Life Armor bioenergetics technologies by Life Armor Labs. Their equally significant solution of an established and proven bioenergetics technology is integrated into all the products displayed and offered for sale by the various exhibitors at the Bioenergetics Event.

Experience the Life Armor Event

Enjoy your shopping experience, mix, and match, and Stack the Life Armor enhanced products from different booths. Take those simple first steps to regain control of your wellness and begin to live a long, healthy, and joyful life with More Energy and Less Stress.

Exhibitor Booths:

Our Exhibitors' Booths are dedicated to showcasing products that revolve around specific themes, fulfill particular needs, or cater to distinct lifestyles. Explore each of these booths and see the diverse array of offerings they provide.

Our exhibitors have seamlessly integrated Life Armor technology into all of their featured products. Their confidence in this technology stems from rigorous testing and its extensive application in schools, hospitals, clinics, and businesses. With the wide range of products available in our booths, you can now bring the benefits of Life Armor technology into your own home.

The Show:

We offer a mix of live presentations featuring special guests, VIPs, and our remarkable Exhibitors. These presentations provide comprehensive insights into our Life Armor Technology and the vast array of energizing products—which you can access right here or at the Trade Show LIVE.

Our presenters and Exhibitors encompass a variety of industries, specialties, and professions from mom-and-pop stores, specialty shops, and artisan boutiques to national brands, worldwide manufacturers, and industry leaders. Make some time to attend some presentations and peruse through the offerings at each booth.

Our enduring success in the bioenergetic industry is a result of our deep understanding that we work on behalf of individuals like you, who entrust us with their well-being. Our Exhibitors hold this trust in high regard and have strived to create top-quality products, all infused with the power of Life Armor.

They take pride in sharing their expertise and the products they offer, sincerely hoping that you find something that could positively transform your life and well-being.

Specialty Booths:

These Booths represent a distinctive highlight of our trade show. They feature one-of-a-kind products, all energetically enhanced with the remarkable Life Armor technology. From unique jewelry, shampoos, and supplements, to apparel, chocolates and captivating works of art, you'll encounter these extraordinary offerings throughout the Life Trade Show.

Our enduring strength and longevity in the industry stem from our commitment to making only one claim: our technology stabilizes, harmonizes, and balances the body's bioenergetics. Every product available in our booths, presentations and displays is designed to fulfill this promise.

Many of our shoppers have experienced life-altering results by using a Life Armor enhanced specialty product. We genuinely hope that you will join the ranks of those who have experienced such a transformation and continue to benefit from these exceptional offerings.

We are Amazed

What has set the Bioenergetics Event apart from the others is the remarkable fact that a substantial percentage of customers return to make additional purchases. It’s not because they want more, but because they had generously given their previously acquired bioenergetically enhanced products to family members or friends in need. This not only speaks volumes about the undeniable value the Life Armor’s bioenergetic technologies delivers, but also reflects the compassionate and caring nature of the individuals, much like yourself, who choose to incorporate this bioenergetics technology products into their lives.

This is precisely why we have established the Life Trade Show, to provide a platform where we can continue to introduce exceptional technologies, products and life-enhancing solutions to you and your family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Go Shopping, Have Fun, Mix and Match:

Enjoy your shopping experience, mix, and match, and Stack products from different booths to enhance your well-being. Our goal is to help you regain control of your wellness and live a long, healthy, and joyful life with More Energy and Less Stress.