The Technology

Life Armor

DNA Bioenergetics Technology

Here’s the equation: Everything in the universe, including all living things, is composed of pure energy, and energy creates vibrations, that generate waveforms, and waveforms carry information. Life Armor is rooted in this equation. It is the science of delivering information through energy waveforms.

When similar information-carrying waveforms interact, they tend to naturally sync up and the harmonious waveforms become stronger and more stable. In contrast, when dissimilar waveforms interact, they can weaken each other. This is a fundamental principle of how waves work, involving concepts like resonance, harmonics, and waveform consistency.

All waveforms in our world, including the energies of life itself, strive to maintain a balanced and high- state of being. Without this stability, a waveform cannot effectively carry and transmit its information.


Life Armor Facilitates Information Delivery

Life Armor technologies work by simulating DNA genetic sine wave information and its healthy bioenergy vibratory waveforms. When the Life Armor waveforms are placed or projected onto a similar but unstable and weak living biofield, they synchronize together, promoting a more coherent, stable, and robust state of bioenergetic being. This establishes a strong foundation for the biofield’s efficient regulation and delivery of vital life giving and life regulating information.

You Are a Being of Energy

Your bioenergetics play a crucial role in ensuring a continuous and clear flow of genetic instructions and metabolic communications within your body. This is essential for healthy growth, a robust immune system, rapid recovery, and much more.

Every millisecond of every day, countless neurological, biological, and energetic communications and information deliveries occur throughout your brain and body. Life Armor technologies work to maintain and fortify this flow of crucial information.

Keep This in Mind

Sustaining destabilization and an imbalance in your bioenergetics, caused by emotions like anger, hate, stress, pain, jealousy, and fear, requires a significant amount of energy and a high energy expenditure. In contrast, energetically stable and balanced states not only require less energy but actually generate energy through emotions like love, joy, calmness, sharing, forgiveness, and peace.

Furthermore, in an environment filled with harmful and destabilizing manmade energy waveforms such as chemicals, pollutants, Wi-Fi, 5G cellular, and various social stressors, it requires even more bioenergy to generate and transmit bioenergetic information throughout your brain and body. Strengthening and safeguarding your bioenergetic field allows it to function more effectively in our destabilizing living spaces.

The body's ability to generate and maintain its bioenergetics is what enables growth, healing, and the fullest experience of life. Life Armor assists your body's biofield in precisely achieving and maintaining that ability.

Keep Your Bioenergetics Harmonious

When you use a product enhanced with Life Armor DNA Bioenergetic Technology—whether you consume it, apply it, wear it, or have it around you—it synchronizes its sympathetic vibrations with your body's biofield. This instantaneously transfers harmonizing information to your biofield. Once this transfer occurs, your biofield immediately becomes harmonious, stable, and strengthened, maintaining this state as long as the Life Armor information viable and present.

Think of your body as an orchestra of vibrational energy. One entity, made of independent sections that are further made of individual instruments. When there is no unifying influence, no conductor, the musicians operate separate from the sections and other individuals, like when they are tuning up their instruments, it sounds like chaos.

Now think of Life Armor’s DNA Bioenergetics as the orchestra’s conductor guiding all the parts and sections to work as one to create order, power, feeling, and harmonious music.