Q3 Gamer’s Edge

Lab Development Project:  #73-v3
Manufacturer: Q3 (You, Me, Us)
Project: Quantum Unique Information Delivery (QUID)

In the Lab: #73-v3

The Super Bowl event took 56 years to reach an audience of around 100 million. In contrast, in just the past few years, a single E-Sport event for professional gamers has attracted an average audience of over 90 million fans.

If you're a gamer, here's what you need:
- Quick, reliable reactions.
- The ability to handle pressure and stress.
- Staying power and consistent energy.
- Extreme focus and concentration.
- Protection in your Wi-Fi, EMF, and cellular wave-filled playing environment.

Q3's Gamer's Edge Project utilizes Life Armor Bioenergetics Technology to support the well-being of amateur gamers, professional E-Sports athletes, and their fans.

Consider the barrage of EMF radiation from computer technology, screens, cables, power strips, game controllers, and the most potent Internet bandwidth available through strong Wi-Fi signals. Add powerful Bluetooth and cellular waves, all within arm's reach of the player, and you have one of the most bioenergetically destabilizing environments imaginable. Now, imagine the player in that toxic playing area, pressured by unusually high stress levels. It's astonishing that E-Sports athletes can function at all. Burnout is common, with rates in the mid to high teens.

Anyone who plays computer games 
needs help, especially our E-Sports professionals.

Let's get serious for a moment. Our bodies generate a bioenergetic field, known to facilitate the movement of information within and around the body, as acknowledged by the NIH. This field can be destabilized by manmade energetic waves such as Wi-Fi, cellular signals, stress, excessive screen time, and more. This destabilization can result in fatigue, reduced performance, body aches, weight gain, weakened immunity, brain fog, slower reactions, and more. After nearly three decades of use, we know that Life Armor Bioenergetics, infused in the Q3 Cuffs and Q3 Fantoos, can restore and rebalance the body's biofields, even amidst the relentless assault of manmade energy waves they encounter during gameplay.

If you aim to play hard, excel in gaming, and succeed in life, equip yourself with Q3 Gamer's Edge technology.

Q3 is on the verge of offering the Q3 Cuff Receiver and Q3 Fantoo Transmitters. By wearing a QUID Q3 Cuff, players are shielded from the radiation and stress that surrounds them. Fans can similarly protect themselves by wearing a Q3 Fantoo. When fans cheer for their favorite player using the Q3 Fantoo Transmitter, the information instantly entangles with the player's matching Q3 Cuff Receiver. This delivery of intended help and support relies on the unique entanglement properties of Life Armor Technology. Gamers receive varying levels of bioenergetic energy support, enjoying all the benefits of Life Armor Technology.

More Energy, Less Stress.