• Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream
  • Kilona Face and Hand Cream

Kilona Face and Hand Cream

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Beauty is more than skin deep


Japan’s secret nighttime beauty formula is –

anti-Pollution and anti-eSmog and anti-Cell Destruction for anti-Aging

Welcome to the Japan Beauty Project (JBP) BioPhotonix (Px) and the JBPx Kilona beautifying product line.

This revolutionary mixture of protection against pollutants and electrosmog with stabilizing and energetic renewal formulas has won the Kilona beauty products international beauty industry recognition.

Physical protection, waveform stabilization and energetic renewal are the three primary components of the highly sought after Kilona line. The Life Armor powered JBPx anti-aging technology addresses areas of the body that are continuously being accosted and aged by our chemically polluted, waveform electrosmog-filled and stressful environments. Now you can combat all those aging forces that are working against you, while you sleep.

A Healing Restful Sleep

JBP’s Kilona Cream nighttime face, neck, upper chest, arms and legs renewal formula will stabilize your energetic body for a deeper more restful sleep. This stabilization of the body’s bio-energetics unblocks and enhances the body’s natural healing processes through energetic protection and enhancement of cell-to-cell communications – the key to renewal, immunity and growth.


All parts must work together for total beauty

Mental calm, physical balance and energetic stabilization must work together as one to allow the natural renewal, repair and growth processes of the body to operate correctly. Reducing the efficiency of one, reduces the efficiency of the whole. Kilona Cream offers total bioenergetic balance that will help calm the mind and boost the physical processes that help to keep you looking and feeling young and vibrant.


Anti-aging relies on maintaining a stabilized and balanced bioenergetic state of being. The JBPx Kilona Beauty Products will do just that.


Potentials of maintaining stabilized and balanced bioenergetics:

👍 Greater calm and reduced stress

👍 Better and more restful sleep

👍 Reduced craving and false hunger

👍 Consistent energy all day

👍 Greater balance and coordination

👍 Stronger faster growing fingernails

👍 Fuller hair and increased growth

👍 Better mental clarity and focus

👍 Greater immunity and faster healing

👍 More controlled mood and composure